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Making of History?  OR Unmaking of Our Society?
By   |   05.30.14
It seems there isn’t a news cycle which goes by without someone “making history” these days. Everyone and everything is making history everywhere at all times, apparently. It’s hard to pinpoint when this trend started, but the “historic” election of...
YOLO: It Is What It Is
By   |   05.17.14
I’m not a Progressive. At all. I don’t favor censorship. I believe that the principles of free-market capitalism are so intrinsic to this world that they can even be applied to non-economic areas of social interaction. I support liberty and...
Necessary Gut-Check:  Is Christianity Divisive?
By   |   05.02.14
Select a passerby at random on a crowded city street and ask him to describe Christians and you are likely to hear words like “judgmental, divisive, and narrow-minded”. In some circles, the word “Christian” has become synonymous with bigotry. Ironically,...
Moral Relativism and the Return to Eden: Satan’s Busted Playbook
By   |   04.19.14
Moral relativism is the idea that there is no such thing as Good and Evil. Things which I consider to be good might not be considered good by you, likewise with evil. Everything is relative, morally. It’s a position typically...
They Did it to Ol’ Blood and Guts, They’ll Do it to Us Too
By   |   04.03.14
In the late summer of 1944, the Allied armies liberated Northern France and began to push deeper into Europe. No one was more effective in his advance than General George S. Patton and the Third Army. After serving his “time-out”...
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