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There’s a Toddler in the House…
By   |   03.11.09
We have a toddler in the house. It has been twelve years since I have had to keep up with such a ball of energy bouncing around the house looking for something to get into. Nothing in the house is...
Real Help Doesn’t Come From the Government
By   |   02.24.09
Frankly, I have heard enough doom and gloom about the economy. I realize it’s bad, but seriously, it has been worse. I haven’t seen one gas line yet, we are not rationing tires, and the price of milk has really...
The Bouncing Ball of Government Economics
By   |   02.22.09
I didn’t need a new federally funded research program to figure out that little boys think differently than little girls. Simply raising a few of each is all it takes to quickly see this in action. If you tell a...
A Country of Belligerent Children
By   |   01.21.09
For the last eight years we’ve been living with a bunch of children who don’t seem to know the first thing about family, respect for authority, or some of the simplest manners. I have to confess, this confounds me to...
Spring Cleaning Family Memories
By   |   04.10.08
Feminists in the seventies coined the popular phrase, “I’m going to find myself.” It was extremely useful for breakups, divorces, and rich kids wanting to drop out of college and hitch-hike across Europe. I say if you really want to...
IL Church’s Missing Million
By   |   03.13.08
In like a lion…out like a lamb. That’s March. It could also be said of the recent history of Illinois governors. In like a lion, roaring about what they’re going to do…out like a lamb–handcuffed and led off to jail....
GOOD NEWS! Lincoln IL Planned Parenthood Closes!
By   |   02.05.08
It was 1974 when a young woman stepped into our “Developing Child” classroom. She stood at the head of the class chewing and popping her gum like Laverne and Shirley. In her hand was a rubber uterus, which she tossed,...
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