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Homosexual Activists Protest in Front of Holy Name Cathedral
By   |   02.14.11
On Sunday, Feb. 13, in front of Chicago’s Holy Name Cathedral, a group of homosexual activists protested Cardinal Francis George’s opposition to “civil unions” as well as the Church’s opposition to homosexual “marriage.” Thankfully, a group of Catholic and Protestant...
Homosexual Activists Protest in Front of Holy Name Cathedral
By   |   02.14.11
On Sunday, Feb. 13, in front of Chicago’s Holy Name Cathedral, a group of homosexual activists protested Cardinal Francis George’s opposition to “civil unions” as well as the Church’s opposition to homosexual “marriage.” Thankfully, a group of Catholic and Protestant...
Controversies: Notre Dame, Joliet Diocese
By   |   03.25.09
I’m covering two controversies in today’s column. I’ll begin with the major controversy – scandal is probably a better term – involving the University of Notre Dame’s invitation to President Obama to deliver the commencement address on May 17 (click...
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