Tag Archives: Presbyterian Church

Battle for the Church

Last week the United Methodist Church (UMC) caved to the LGBTQ agenda. For several years, the UMC has pushed back against progressive efforts to embrace same-sex marriage, the ordination of LBGTQ pastors, and the full inclusion of those who identify as LGBTQ into all church ministries and activities.
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Here We Stand

From Christian Newswire

As of May 10, 2011, a majority of the presbyteries in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) have decided to remove from our constitution the ordination requirement of “fidelity in the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman, or chastity in singleness.” These words reflect the clear teaching of Scripture from beginning to end, and are affirmed by our Reformed confessions. They are affirmed also by the Church throughout history and around the world.

Some interpretations given to the substitute language* assume that the change opens the way for the ordination of persons living in relationships — …

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