Tag Archives: pilgrims

Strangers at Thanksgiving

Perhaps like me, you’ve wondered… “What would the Pilgrims think of our modern day celebration of Thanksgiving?” Or, maybe that’s never crossed your mind. Maybe your Turkey Day “to do” list has priority. First, the Pilgrims, who referred to themselves as the “Saints,” would have been very sad to learn that the New York Times was fairly clueless on the real events of life in the early 1600s. The paper tried to “help us” get educated with their 1619 Project, which came out a few years ago.
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Snakes in the Grass

Things are truly upside-down. Christians, who have been scorned forever as weak and milk-toast, are suddenly public enemy number one. And while Christianity has been the source of thousands of American charities and the inspiration for hospitals, medical care, and education worldwide, it is now labeled by the Left as hateful and bigoted. Then we see destructive anarchist groups like Antifa and BLM glorified in the Media and academia as forces for good!  How could this be?
Posted in Drugs/Alcohol/Addictions, Education, Faith, Federal, Marriage/Family/Culture, Sexuality, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Snakes in the Grass