Tag Archives: mothers

Embryo Adoption: A Life-Affirming Option

Since the Alabama Supreme Court ruled on February 16 that frozen embryos should be recognized and protected as unborn children, Democrats have wrongfully alleged that Republicans want to “ban” in vitro fertilization (IVF). Even President Biden made this accusation during the State of the Union address last Thursday. However, this is not true. Republicans are not wanting to ban IVF.
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Speak Truth in Your Heart

Many girls today struggle trying to fix their wrong feelings and behaviors: impure thoughts, body image, patterns of sin, depression, and feelings of worthlessness. But behavior begins in the mind. In order for our actions to change, we have to change the way we THINK! This can only happen through the power of God’s Word. To experience life as His victorious daughters, we must learn to combat the lies in our minds by speaking the truth in our hearts! We will explore how to identify the lies we believe, how to combat them with Scripture, and how to find our identity in Christ and live for Him in our modern world!
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