Tag Archives: Media Watch

Facebook Censoring? Say it Ain’t So!

Among the reasonable and fairly well-defined criteria Twitter uses to censor content is this more ambiguous criterion: content “that incites fear about a protected group” or that “degrades someone.”

Does Twitter think it’s degrading to say “homosexual acts degrade persons”? What if homosexual acts do degrade persons? What words constitute an incitement to fear? Does it incite “fear about a protected group” to say that allowing biological males in women’s private spaces is an assault on decency and puts at risk the safety of girls and women? Does Twitter think saying “polyamory is wrong, and its normalization harms society” would …

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October Baby: Bringing Life to Theaters This Weekend!

Pro-life movie, October Baby is opening in theaters around the country this weekend.  October Baby tells the story of Hannah, a young woman who learns that her life is much different than what she’s known up until now.  After learning she was actually adopted after a failed abortion attempt, Hannah embarks on an incredible journey to discover her hidden past and find hope for her unknown future.  Click HERE to watch the trailer of this powerful movie. 

The producers of October Baby recently told a story of how the movie is already impacting lives.  Three Pregnancy Resource Centers have received …

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South Park’s Attacks On Faith: Irreverence For Irreverence Sake, Not Humor

Throughout civilization, there have been those who have attempted to find humor at the expense of others. This has been the case in American history as well. People who are different because of their social class, skin color, ethnic or religious backgrounds have often been the butt of the most vile so-called humor.

However, supposedly, we now live in a time of tolerance. Yet it is clear there are certain groups who apparently are fair game to be the recipients of mean-spirited attacks which have little to do with levity.

Recently, an episode of South Park — a cartoon which …

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