Tag Archives: Knights of Columbus

Americans Not Comfortable With Easy Abortions

It may not be surprising if you didn’t hear about a poll earlier this year from the Marist Institute for Public Opinion.  Had the results been the opposite of what they were, it likely would have been headline news across the nation for several days.

The poll found that a majority of Americans, even those who call themselves “pro-choice” favor public policies and laws restricting abortion.  This is a concept that seems foreign to the Obama Administration, which has appeared to use its power to promote and fund abortion in every way possible.

The national poll of 1,686 Americans …

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High School Student in NJ Wins Case to Keep ‘Under God’ in Pledge of Allegiance

A case filed by the American Humanist Association in New Jersey has gone down in flames, defeated by a high school student named Samantha Jones, backed by lawyers from the  Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, and  the Knights of Columbus and the American Legion, which acted in support. Fox News explains what happened:
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