Tag Archives: Ken Ham

The Coming Demise of Disney?

It is no secret to anyone who pays attention to pop culture that Disney has abandoned its family-friendly business model for a radical pro-LGBTQ agenda. Disney has been going woke for decades, but in recent days, that approach seems to be backfiring on them financially.
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Need Help With Homeschooling? The 2020 ICHE Conference is Virtual and Free!

One of the unfortunate side effects of the coronavirus pandemic has been the cancellation of numerous conferences and other events. With the benefits of technology, many of those events have been able to take place online. The full experience may not be the same, but at least we don’t have to miss out completely!
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Bill Nye’s Reasonable Man — The Central Worldview Clash of the Ham-Nye Debate

Last night’s debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham attracted a huge international audience and no shortage of controversy—even before it began. Bill Nye, whose main media presence is as “The Science Guy,” and Ken Ham, co-founder of Answers in Genesis and founder of the Creation Museum, squared off in a true debate over one of the most important questions that the human mind can contemplate. That is no small achievement.

I enjoyed a front row seat at the debate, which took place even as a major winter storm raged outside, dumping considerable amounts of snow and ice and causing …

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