Tag Archives: Joseph Backholm

Retired NFL Player Working to End Fatherlessness Crisis

Jack Brewer is a former NFL player who is passionate about ending fatherlessness in the United States. In 2006, he founded the Jack Brewer Foundation which includes, among other programs, the American Heroes Fatherhood Initiative (AHFI) which offers after-school programming and serves juveniles and adults who have been affected by the criminal justice system.
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How Do We Advance Conservative Values in a Blue State?

When you’re a Christian with a biblical worldview and you live in one of the 17 “blue” states  like Illinois, the task of defeating anti-family, Marxist efforts can seem daunting. However, pro-family lobbyists are defeating Leftists’ efforts! The work that state organizations like Illinois Family Institute does often impacts the entire country: as they do in California, Leftist lobbyists introduce bills in Illinois, and if they succeed, they introduce those bills to the rest of country.

On a recent episode of Family Research Council’s Outstanding podcast titled “How to Advance Pro-Family and Pro-Life Issues in a Blue State,” Joseph Backholm

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