Tag Archives: Human Rights Committee

UN Report Attacks U.S. Constitution & God-Given Rights

A United Nations “human rights” committee investigation into the United States concluded that the U.S. Constitution should be changed and the U.S. government should impose additional infringements on free speech and gun rights to comply with UN agreements, explains The New American Senior Editor Alex Newman in this must watch episode of Behind The Deep State.
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Illinois “Progressives” Want to Expunge Pronouns in State Statute

There is something rotten in the Illinois General Assembly. Dozens of Illinois Democrats are cosponsoring House Bill 1596, titled, “The Children And Family Services Act,” a bill that will expunge every occurrence of the pronouns “he,” “she,” “his,” and “her” from existing laws pertaining to children. Wherever the law formerly stated, “he or she,” or “his or her” it now says, “the minor,” or “the child,” or “the applicant,” or “the member.”
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Co-ed Restrooms, Showers & Bathhouses Coming to Chicago

On Wednesday May 18, Mayor Rahm Emanuel introduced an amendment to a Chicago human rights ordinance that if passed would make it even easier for men to use women’s restrooms and other facilities in which private activities take place.

On Wednesday June 8, the Chicago City Council’s Human Rights Committee recommended approval by the whole city council. This Wednesday it moves to the full city council for a final vote.

The current ordinance is bad enough in that it allows gender dysphoric men and women to use opposite-sex facilities as long as they can provide falsified government documentation, such as …

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