Tag Archives: homosexual activists

Identity Politics and Paraphilias: Normalizing Deviance & Sadomasochism

If you think things are out of hand now with high school “transgender” boys being able to use the girls’ locker rooms, just wait. That number of “549 types” promises even worse possibilities ahead... It is in the spirit of tolerance that we've been examining paraphilias other than the ones represented by the letters LGBT. Why should just those four get all the attention? What about sadism and masochism?
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Homosexual Activist Reveals Plans for Children

I’ve said it countless times, but maybe hearing it from the horse’s mouth will convince the fearful or naïve that we’ve got to grow spines and boldly oppose every resource, activity, and policy in public schools that affirm homosexuality as ontologically and morally equivalent to heterosexuality.

Attached are excerpts from the recent and repugnant revelation by a homosexual blogger at queerty.com of the hopes, plans, and goals homosexual activists have for public schools:

Click HERE to read these disturbing and offensive excerpts.

We can sit around whining about the state of our schools and nursing …

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