Tag Archives: Gosnell Clinic

Wife of Abortionist Pleads Guilty

imgresThe wife of the highly controversial late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell has plead guilty in the performance of ghastly illegal abortions on viable unborn children at a Philadelphia abortion clinic.

Pearl Gosnell entered guilty pleas in federal court on charges of participating in an illegal late-term abortion, conspiracy, and participating in a corrupt organization.

Gosnell’s husband was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of first-degree murder in the killing of seven viable preborn children and the death of a woman who underwent a botched abortion.

Gosnell, who has no formal obstetrical training, has been accused of delivering viable children …

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President Obama: Helping to Make the Murder of Newborns Possible

An abortion doctor in Philadelphia has been charged with the gruesome murders of seven babies, babies born alive whom the doctor then killed with a pair of scissors.  (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SUN6CHSICE)

Dr. Kermit Gosnell induced labor and forced the births of viable babies in their sixth, seventh and eighth months of pregnancy. After the newborns drew their first breath, he stuck a pair of scissors into the back of their necks and severed their spinal cords. Gosnell cavalierly referred to the practice as “snipping,” as if he were pruning flowers in his garden.

Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams said hundreds of other …

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