Tag Archives: George Will

Governor Scott Walker and Discerning Obama’s Faith

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker is in hot water with omniscient Chicago Tribune pundit Rex Huppke for claiming ignorance about President Barack Obama’s faith. In answer to a question about whether he believes Obama is a Christian, Walker said he didn’t know.

So, what’s a politician to do? hmmm…

I know, give the answer “progressives” desire. Leftist columnist Rex Huppke pontificated that this is what politicians should assert about the interior religious beliefs and affections of Barack Obama: Yes, Obama is a Christian.

Since I’m not privy to the interior beliefs and affections of Huppke, I don’t know if he believes

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What Journalists Should Ask Liberals and “Enlightened” Conservatives About Marriage

Sunday was a depressing news day. Here’s what purported “conservatives” George Will, Mary Matalin, and Matthew Dowd had to say about same-sex marriage: 

George Will: “This decision by the Supreme Court came 31 days after an Election Day in which three states for the first time endorsed same-sex marriage at the ballot box — never happened before — Maine, Maryland, and the state of Washington….they could say it’s now safe to look at this because there is something like an emerging consensus. Quite literally, the opposition to gay marriage is dying. It’s old people….marriage law is traditionally the prerogative …

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