Tag Archives: Elliot Page

“NO ETHNIC SELF-IDENTIFICATION!”–Command Leftists to Hilaria Baldwin

For those who missed last week’s celebrity news, a surprising years-long deception by Hilaria Baldwin, the diversely flexible young wife of angry, sanctimonious actor Alec Baldwin, was exposed. For years, she claimed she was from Mallorca, Spain and that her name is “Hilaria.” She also affected a Spanish accent, once pretending to forget the English word “cucumber” in a television appearance. As of this writing, she continues to claim she moved to the United States when she was 19.
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Leftists See Orwell’s Novel 1984 As a Blueprint for Progress

One of the many remarkable aspects of this time in America is that all the forces of oppression about which George Orwell warned in his novel 1984 are present and growing, and many of the oppressors can’t see it. Ironically, many of the oppressors view themselves as paragons of virtue when, in reality, they’re paragons of virtue-signaling, which constitutes a performative cloak of invisibility that conceals totalitarianism.
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