Tag Archives: drag

Dragging Your Kids Down With Them: Part 3

Over the last couple articles, we discussed the rationale for the peculiarly odd wickedness known as drag. In what possible worldview does it make sense? That worldview is known as queer theory, a philosophy dedicated to overthrowing traditional sexual norms. Queer theory teaches that different kinds of sexual activity exist on a hierarchy, and that sex is a malleable social construct. 
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Dragging Your Kids Down With Them: Part 2

Last time, we pointed out the abnormally odd wickedness of drag queens and we asked the question: Why this? What possible worldview advocates for a man, dressed like a woman, wearing freakish makeup, and reading a sexually deviant book to third graders? Our search for the answer took us on a brief trip through queer theory, the philosophy committed to destroying traditional sexual ethics.
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Dragging Your Kids Down With Them: Part 1

In late June of last year, a cultural battle erupted in the small, northern-Illinois town of Rockton. With police supervising the scene, hundreds of people swarmed to the town's community center where the library board was deliberating inside. Some protesters held signs with slogans such as "Keep Your Hands off Our Children" and sang "God Bless America."
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How to Properly Demonize Drag Performers

Earlier this month, the American Civil Liberties Union sent out a fundraising email written by the "transgender" "actress" and "drag queen" "Miss Peppermint." As ACLU's Artist Ambassador for Transgender Justice, Peppermint wrote a scathing rebuke of "stale, dusty politicians" who are trying to "take away our freedom to be ourselves," and urged supporters to contribute to the ACLU's efforts to fight back.
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