Tag Archives: Bernie Sanders

Lawmakers Avoid Discussions of First Principles

Recently Ben Shapiro, writing for National Review, exposed a fundamental failure of lawmakers that partisan debates conceal. Partisan debates conceal that fundamental, first-principle policy arguments about governance are avoided like the proverbial plague by politicians of all political stripes.
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PODCAST: Lawmakers Avoid Discussions of First Principles

Recently Ben Shapiro, writing for National Review, exposed a fundamental failure of lawmakers that partisan debates conceal. Partisan debates conceal that fundamental, first-principle policy arguments about governance are avoided like the proverbial plague by politicians of all political stripes.

Shapiro uses comments from three prominent political figures, President Trump, Senator Bernie Sanders, and Governor John Kasich, to illustrate that there is little principled difference between their positions.

Read more HERE…

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Demand That Congress Preserve the Electoral College

The men and women that you elect to the U.S. Congress in both chambers need to hear from you regularly on the important issues, and they need to hear from you today regarding the latest actions of Illinois’ own U.S. Senator Dick Durbin.

U.S. Senator Durbin along with radical Leftists such as Bernie Sanders aim to undermine the brilliant Electoral College established by our Founding Fathers. Durbin and Sanders and others are ignorant of the purpose and importance of the Electoral College. They argue that it’s a “relic” and “racist” in its design.

Electoral College opponents could all benefit …

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The Re-Education Camps We Call Universities

The totalitarian attitude on campus hit me in a very personal way on March 30 as I was sitting on an airplane at Reagan National Airport on my way to Albany, New York. I was informed that a campus debate I was scheduled to participate in later that day had been cancelled. I was told to get off the plane and go home.

I believe this is the first time on a college or university campus that a left-right debate has been cancelled because of objections to one side of the debate.

It appears the totalitarian left is so determined …

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