Tag Archives: ableist

Academia Strikes Absurdity Again– Surprise!

We've already given Stanford's Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative (EHLI) a word or two over their confused categories of "ableist language" and "racist language" but the horse we're beating is not quite dead yet. It's one thing to stigmatize normal phrases because their connotation or origin supposedly evoke offensive topics, as the Stanford harmful language list did with those two categories. It's another thing to stigmatize normal phrases because their grammatical structure evokes insensitivity. But believe it or not, academia at the highest level has managed to do just that with the advent of "person-first language."
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Ableist Language?

Warning: you are about to encounter an onslaught of politically incorrect words. The following five phrases have been labeled "potentially harmful" by academia at the highest level, so interact with them at your own peril. Ready?
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